Saturday, May 14, 2016

Cantaloupe Sorbet

This gorgeously colored sorbet is a true crowd pleaser, especially when served in cantaloupe bowls. Halve each melon, remove the flesh, and freeze the rind until serving time. A garnish of fresh mint finishes it beautifully!

1 large, ripe cantaloupe (2–2½ pounds)
⅔ cup sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

Choosing a Cantaloupe
The old wives’ tale about choosing a perfect melon is to “thump” it. That may be true, but it is much easier and reliable to go by the smell. If it smells sweet, it probably is! Tightly woven rind netting is also a good indication of ripeness.

1. Remove the flesh from the rind of the cantaloupe, taking care to discard seeds and any green flesh. Purée in a food processor or blender until smooth.
2. Add the remaining ingredients and purée until well combined. Cover and refrigerate until cool.
3. Add to ice cream maker and follow manufacturer’s instructions for freezing.

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